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MCDB supports advanced searching using a powerful search engine based on the Lucene query language. MCDB text search supports boolean logic (AND, OR, NOT operations). To match a string exactly, place quotes around your search term (for example "acetic acid" will only match the acetic followed by acid, it will not match acetic or acid alone). You can also search using "wild cards" by inserting a "*" in your search term. For example, searching for "acet*" will match all words starting with "acet". In addition, text search supports parenthetical groupings, and prepended +plus and -minus operators.

methylhistidine AND milkFind all entries containing both methylhistidine and milk in the metabocard
(histidine OR milk) AND NOT glycolylneuraminicFind all metabolites containing histidine, milk or both, but not containing glycolylneuraminic
"acetic acid"Find all metabolites where the entire term "acetic acid" is found. In other words, don't match "acetic" or "acid" alone.