- Status
- Detected and Quantified
- Data source
- Referenced
- Concentration
- 6791 +/- 2031 uM
- The samples were collected from crossbred Holstein × Normande dairy cows, Montbéliarde cattles and Prim'Holstein. The fat content was estimated by MIR spectrometry. This the calibration set of samples
- Total fatty acid
- M. Ferrand, B. Huquet. S. Barbey, F. Barillet, F. Faucon, H. Larroque, O. Leray, J.M. Trommenschlager, M. Brochard (2011). M. Ferrand et al. Determination of fatty acid profile in cow's milk using mid-infrared spectrometry: Interest of applying a variable selection by genetic algorithms before a PLS regression. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 106 (2011) 183?189. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems.